Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Online Social Network

Nowadays the online social network has shortened the distance between you and your friends and also your enemies. We enjoy the sharing but we are not well prepared to resolve conflicts.
Both constructive and destructive messages can go far away. Messages run very fast and evolve very fast. They cannot be checked on time. It really hurts our understanding of the topic.

The bite-size and visualized messages can go viral. All of us are flooded by these advertising messages which simplify the real context and try to move us emotionally. It cannot help us to get the full picture or to go through the discussion on the key aspects of current issues. The opinions and ideas are scattered among the social networks. It is very hard to put them together.

Can we get rid of the problems of online social network? It seems not. Not all of us are clever enough to distinguish the facts from the opinions, the description from the parodies, the black humor from the tragedies. We cannot expect AI can help us a lot. We have more chances to contact with other communities and cultures.  Thus we need more effort to relieve our unrest.
Can we learn on the online social network? We may be able provided that we can trace all of our records and we are true to our heart during reflection.

Can we understand how others learn? We know that we have not traced the changes in others’ mind directly. It would become a black hole. However, a black hole does not mean that there is no information at all. The experts in inverse problem could help us on remote sensing of these psychological changes. Reconstruction of models may require us certain assumptions. Is it a self-prophecy? It is probably not because everything will be revised when there is a contradiction.

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